Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
December Playlists

Stephan Micus - Wide River [Bold As A Light, ECM, ‘10]
Padang Food Tigers - Go Down, Moses [Go Down, Moses, Under the Spire, ‘10]
Asuna + Opitope - Twilight [Sunroom, Students of Decay, ‘10]
Johan G Winther - Pappa i Sverige [Re:Create Series Vol.1, Tendervision, ‘10]
Bill Wells & Stefan Schneider - Pntps 6 [Pianotapes, Karaoke Kalk, ‘10]
William Tyler - Terrace of the Leper King [Behold the Spirit, Tompkins Square, ‘10]
TOMO - Ceremonial Music In Sheol [Butterfly Dream And Other Guitar Works, Subvalent, ‘10]
Chitti Babu - Vatapi Ganapatim [Raga-Musik Aus Sudindien, Harmonia Mundi, ??]
Alejandro Jodorowsky - Tarot Will Teach You / Burn Your Money [The Holy Mountain OST, ‘73]
High Wolf - Snakes Threesome [split w/ Masaki Nakazawa, Winged Sun, ‘10]
Silvester Anfang - Demonarchie [Heidense Maagden, Funeral Folk, ‘06]
Fabulous Diamonds - Untitled 5 [Fabulous Diamonds II, Siltbreeze, ‘10]
Hiiragi Fukuda - Tokyo Delay [My Turntable Is Slow, c46, Sloow Tapes, ‘10]
Bridget St. John - If You'd Been There [Songs for the Gentleman, Dandelion, ‘71]
Sean Smith - O Come All Ye Faithful [Christmas, Tompkins Square, ‘10]
Joni Mitchell - River [Blue, Reprise, ‘71]

Kyle Bobby Dunn - Grab (And Its Lost Legacies)/ Sets Of Four (Its Meaning Is Deeper Than Its Title Implies) [A Young Person's Guide To Kyle Bobby Dunn, Low Point, ‘10]
Chris Abrahams - The Same Time [Play Scar, Room40, ‘10]
Caligine - Jack Rose [L'Autunno di Rame, Sturmundrugs, ‘10]
Caballos Y Entusiasmo - Sue§os Sobre Suelos [Hidropony, self-released, ‘10]
Red River Dialect - Saffron [White Diamonds, Lono, ‘10]
Maxine Funke - Can't Make Done [Lace, Nextbestway, ‘08]
Black Flowers - And the Words Fell like Malting Blossom [I Grew From A Stone To A Statue, Bo’ Weavil, ‘09]
Loscil - The Making of Grief Point (instrumental) [Versions Ep, self-released, ‘10]
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - Down to the Valley [The Proposition OST, Mute, ‘06]
Erik K Skodvin - Neither Dust [Flare, Sonic Pieces, ‘10]
Metallic Falcons - Nighttime & Morning [Desert Doughnuts, Voodoo-Eros, ‘06]
William Tyler - Ponotoc [Behold the Spirit, Tompkins, Square, ‘10]
Tuluum Shimmering - Side A [Heart Of Sky Heart Of Earth, c90, Housecraft, ‘10]

Julia Kent - Carapace [Last Day In July EP, self-released, ‘10]
Josephine Foster - In Falling Timbers Buried [Graphic As A Star, Fire Records, ‘09]
Manuel Vallejo - A Mi Mata la Pena [Various, Mata la Pena, Mississippi Records, ‘09]
Rachel Grimes - Far Light [Book Of Leaves, Karate Body, ‘09]
Kanuni Artaki Efendi - Sehnaz Taksim [Various, To Scratch Your Heart: Early Recordings from Istanbul, Honest Jons, ‘10]
Ashimunur Kurmanjiang - Golden Bowl [Various, Ethnic Minority Music of Northwest Xinjiang, Sublime Frequencies, ‘10]
Sam Moss - Miniature Dwellings II [Various, Imaginational Anthem IV: New Possibilities, Tompkins Square, ‘10]
Burgundy Grapes - Home of No Return [Man in the Lighthouse, Inner Ear, ‘10]
??? - unidentified country blues instrumental [Various, Wrong Time To Be Right, Mississippi Records Tape Series Vol. 8]
Kitchen Cynics - Carol By Candlelight [Parallel Dog Days, Secret Eye, ‘03]
Dylan Ettinger - Long Day [New Age Outlaws, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Edgar Wappenhalter - Hence I Surmise The Sordid Lights [On The Beach, Morc, ‘10]
Psychic Ills - Secret Flower [Catoptric, Social Registry, ‘10]
Sleep ∞ Over - Outer Limits [7", Forest Family,’ 10 ]
The Fun Years - Breech on the Bowstring [God Was Like, No, Barge, ‘10]
Mohave Triangles - Sabal Beaches [Vision Quest, c48, Sacred Phrases, ‘10]
Bored Man Ganesh - The Sleeping Cloud [The Sleeping Cloud, self-released, ‘10]
Black Eagle Child - Thursday [Two Days, c24, self-released, ‘10]
Grouper - It Feels Alright [Cover the Windows and the Walls, Root Strata, ‘07]
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
November Playlists
Argh, been falling behind on these updates lately sorry. Also have the VDO live-to-air recording to upload soon... show is back again on Thursday!!

Acclimate - Green Words Past [Miscreant, DTA, ‘03]
Paul Panhuysen - Blowing [Radical Glass Music #4 ??]
Caboladies - Side B [Constellation Deformity, c20, Smooth Tapes, ‘09]
Sacred Harp - Make For Me A Way [Apparitions at the Kenmore Plantation, self-released, ‘10]
::LIVE-TO-AIR:: VDO - Untitled
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Stained Glass Body [Love Is A Stream, Type, ‘10]
Thuja - Untitled 04 [Hills, Last Visible Dog, ‘02]
Mark McGuire - Nothing Personal [Misunderstandings, c30, Deception Island, ‘10]
Stag Hare - Holy Wind [Sandpaintings, Moondial, ‘10]
Deep Magic - Mirror Forest / Mirror Ocean [split w/ Pine Smoke Lodge, Sacred Phases, ‘10]

Ursula Bogner - Inversion [Recordings 1969-1988, Faitiche, ‘08]
Michael Stearns - As the Earth Kissed the Moon [Planetary Unfolding, Continuum Montage, ‘81]
Mike Tamburo - The Regenerated Being [Alchemical Marriage, self-released, ‘09]
M. Mucci - Small Triumphs [Time Lost, The Tall House, ‘10]
The Necks - Unheard [Piano Bass Drums, Fish of Milk, ‘98]
Concern - Immersed In Envy, Porous With Forgetfulness [Cæsarean, Slow Flow, ‘10]

Bronze Horse - n°5 [s/t, OakHill, '10]
Tsegué-Maryam Guébrou - Evening Breeze [Ethiopiques Vol. 21: Ethiopia Song/Piano Solo, Buda Musique, ‘06]
F.S.Blumm & Nils Frahm - Writing Letters to Myself [Music For Lovers, Music Versus Time, Sonic Pieces, ‘10]
Joel Stern & Anthony Guerra - Untitled 6 [Stitch, Impermanent, ‘04]
Ralph White - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning [A Kalimba Pillow, self-released, ‘10]
Idyll Swords - Sagarika [Vol. 1, Communion, ‘99]
Ted Lucas - Love and Peace Raga [s/t, private press, ‘75; re Yoga, ‘10]
Nick Castell - Buoyancy Aid [Rue d'Isabelle, self-released, ‘10]
Matteah Baim - Pagoda [The Laughing Boy, DiCristina, ‘09]
Keijo - Clear After Midnight [Here They Come, Reverb Worship, ‘09]
Origami Arktika - Fjellmannjenta [Trollebotn, Silber, ‘07]
Ensemble Economique - Red For The Sun [Psychical, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Marissa Nadler - Daisy, Where Did You Go? [mp3, self-released, ‘10]
Vishwa Mohan Bhatt - Dhun [Sounds Of The Strings, ??]
Brigitte Fontaine - Il Se Passe Des Choses [Brigitte Fontaine Est...Folle, Sarayah, ‘68]
Jackson C. Frank - Just Like Anything [Blues Run The Game, Columbia, ‘65]
Chris Thompson - Her Hair Was Long [s/t, Village Thing, 1973]
Cath and Phil Tyler - Dearest Dear [The Hind Wheels of Bad Luck, No-Fi, ‘10]
Valerie Webb & Paul LaBrecque - The Valley [Trees, Chants And Hollers, Ecstatic Peace, ‘06]
Paavoharju - Kuu Lohduttaa Huolestuneita [Yhä Hämärää, Fonal, ‘05]
Caethua - Old Cat [The Long Afternoon Of Earth, Preservation, ‘09]
Sparkling Wide Pressure - Glisten Liquid Sky [Dreams By Water, CDr, Kimberley Dawn, ‘09]

Head Of Wantastiquet - Return To Agharti [Dead Seas, Conspiracy, ‘10]
Harold Budd, Ruben Garcia & Daniel Lentz - Somos Tres [Music for Three Pianos, Gyroscope, ‘93]
Nuno Canavarro - Wask [Plux Quba, Ama Romanta, ‘88]
Six Organs of Admittance - They Fix the Broken Windmill Today [For Octavio Paz, Holy Mountain, ‘04]
Gimmer Nicholson - Wesak [Christopher Idylls, Lucky Seven, ‘94]
Nehal Shah - Untitled [Neighbors, c22, Midnight Star Media, ‘09]
Dylan Ettinger - City Lights, City Streets [New Age Outlaws, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Umberto - Red Dawn [Prophecy of the Black Widow, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Gastr Del Sol - Each Dream Is An Example [Camoufleur, Drag City, ‘98]
Moonwood - The Last Good Day of Summer [Coal Abberations, Arachnidiscs, ‘10]
The Alps - The Coming Tide [ A Path Through The Moon, Root Strata, ‘09]
Angel Eyes - Untitled 3 [Dire Dish, c36, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Geoff Mullen - Untitled 2 [Bongo Closet, Type, ‘10]
Bobby Beausoleil - Part 3 [Lucifer Rising OST, White Dog Music, ‘04]

Acclimate - Green Words Past [Miscreant, DTA, ‘03]
Paul Panhuysen - Blowing [Radical Glass Music #4 ??]
Caboladies - Side B [Constellation Deformity, c20, Smooth Tapes, ‘09]
Sacred Harp - Make For Me A Way [Apparitions at the Kenmore Plantation, self-released, ‘10]
::LIVE-TO-AIR:: VDO - Untitled
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Stained Glass Body [Love Is A Stream, Type, ‘10]
Thuja - Untitled 04 [Hills, Last Visible Dog, ‘02]
Mark McGuire - Nothing Personal [Misunderstandings, c30, Deception Island, ‘10]
Stag Hare - Holy Wind [Sandpaintings, Moondial, ‘10]
Deep Magic - Mirror Forest / Mirror Ocean [split w/ Pine Smoke Lodge, Sacred Phases, ‘10]

Ursula Bogner - Inversion [Recordings 1969-1988, Faitiche, ‘08]
Michael Stearns - As the Earth Kissed the Moon [Planetary Unfolding, Continuum Montage, ‘81]
Mike Tamburo - The Regenerated Being [Alchemical Marriage, self-released, ‘09]
M. Mucci - Small Triumphs [Time Lost, The Tall House, ‘10]
The Necks - Unheard [Piano Bass Drums, Fish of Milk, ‘98]
Concern - Immersed In Envy, Porous With Forgetfulness [Cæsarean, Slow Flow, ‘10]

Bronze Horse - n°5 [s/t, OakHill, '10]
Tsegué-Maryam Guébrou - Evening Breeze [Ethiopiques Vol. 21: Ethiopia Song/Piano Solo, Buda Musique, ‘06]
F.S.Blumm & Nils Frahm - Writing Letters to Myself [Music For Lovers, Music Versus Time, Sonic Pieces, ‘10]
Joel Stern & Anthony Guerra - Untitled 6 [Stitch, Impermanent, ‘04]
Ralph White - Keep Your Lamp Trimmed And Burning [A Kalimba Pillow, self-released, ‘10]
Idyll Swords - Sagarika [Vol. 1, Communion, ‘99]
Ted Lucas - Love and Peace Raga [s/t, private press, ‘75; re Yoga, ‘10]
Nick Castell - Buoyancy Aid [Rue d'Isabelle, self-released, ‘10]
Matteah Baim - Pagoda [The Laughing Boy, DiCristina, ‘09]
Keijo - Clear After Midnight [Here They Come, Reverb Worship, ‘09]
Origami Arktika - Fjellmannjenta [Trollebotn, Silber, ‘07]
Ensemble Economique - Red For The Sun [Psychical, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Marissa Nadler - Daisy, Where Did You Go? [mp3, self-released, ‘10]
Vishwa Mohan Bhatt - Dhun [Sounds Of The Strings, ??]
Brigitte Fontaine - Il Se Passe Des Choses [Brigitte Fontaine Est...Folle, Sarayah, ‘68]
Jackson C. Frank - Just Like Anything [Blues Run The Game, Columbia, ‘65]
Chris Thompson - Her Hair Was Long [s/t, Village Thing, 1973]
Cath and Phil Tyler - Dearest Dear [The Hind Wheels of Bad Luck, No-Fi, ‘10]
Valerie Webb & Paul LaBrecque - The Valley [Trees, Chants And Hollers, Ecstatic Peace, ‘06]
Paavoharju - Kuu Lohduttaa Huolestuneita [Yhä Hämärää, Fonal, ‘05]
Caethua - Old Cat [The Long Afternoon Of Earth, Preservation, ‘09]
Sparkling Wide Pressure - Glisten Liquid Sky [Dreams By Water, CDr, Kimberley Dawn, ‘09]

Head Of Wantastiquet - Return To Agharti [Dead Seas, Conspiracy, ‘10]
Harold Budd, Ruben Garcia & Daniel Lentz - Somos Tres [Music for Three Pianos, Gyroscope, ‘93]
Nuno Canavarro - Wask [Plux Quba, Ama Romanta, ‘88]
Six Organs of Admittance - They Fix the Broken Windmill Today [For Octavio Paz, Holy Mountain, ‘04]
Gimmer Nicholson - Wesak [Christopher Idylls, Lucky Seven, ‘94]
Nehal Shah - Untitled [Neighbors, c22, Midnight Star Media, ‘09]
Dylan Ettinger - City Lights, City Streets [New Age Outlaws, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Umberto - Red Dawn [Prophecy of the Black Widow, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Gastr Del Sol - Each Dream Is An Example [Camoufleur, Drag City, ‘98]
Moonwood - The Last Good Day of Summer [Coal Abberations, Arachnidiscs, ‘10]
The Alps - The Coming Tide [ A Path Through The Moon, Root Strata, ‘09]
Angel Eyes - Untitled 3 [Dire Dish, c36, Not Not Fun, ‘10]
Geoff Mullen - Untitled 2 [Bongo Closet, Type, ‘10]
Bobby Beausoleil - Part 3 [Lucifer Rising OST, White Dog Music, ‘04]
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