Marcus Fjellström - Liquide Fire [Schattenspieler, Miasmah, ‘10]
Chris Rehm - Don't Leave Me Blue [Salivary Stones, Chinquapin, ‘10]
Rene Hell - Bored Night Stalker [Baroque Arcade, Night People, ‘10]
Darren Harper - Autumn Droning [Whispers, Earth Mantra, ‘10]
Donato Epiro - il primo cerchio [split w/ Black Eagle Child, Blackest Rainbow, ‘10]
Plankton Wat - Klamath At Dusk [In Magical Light, Reverb Worship, ‘11]
Jüppala Kääpiö - Souffle [Sporing Promenade, omnimemento, ‘10]
Konntinent - The Singular Device/Striking Distance [Arev Benn, c40, Sweat Lodge Guru, ‘10]
Floating Flower - Desert [2, Acid Mothers Temple, ‘99]
James Stephen Finn - Twelfth Floor [Homecoming, CDr, Cotton Goods, ‘10]
Fursaxa - Poplar Moon [Mycorrhizae Realm, ATP, ‘10]
Magical Power Mako - Majorica Resistance Song [Super Record, Polydor K.K.,‘75]
Fern Knight - Crumbling Stairs [Castings, VHF, ‘10]
Passaro Do Pomar - Lifted [demo, self-released, ‘07]
Claude Lombard - Mais [s/t, BEG, ‘69; re MPS Ltd, ‘10]
Morita Doji - A Carrier Pigeon [Mother Sky, Polydor, ‘76]
Langtry - Billy Bowlegs Blues [As Upon the Road Thereto, Soft Abuse, ‘04]
in memory of Islay Gordon

w/ special guest DJ Shea Bermingham
Dustin Wong - Brother [Infinite Love, Thrill Jockey, '11]
Sun Araw - Major Grotto [Major Grotto, Hustle Muscle, '10]
Shea's set:
Angel Eyes - Untitled [Dire Dish, Not Not Fun, '10]
Rene Hell - M. Far [Baroque Arcade, Night People, '10]
Ducktails - Porch Projector [Duckails III: Arcade Dynamics, Woodsist, '11]
Wyld Wyzrds - Antelope [Antelope Island 7", Inner Islands, '10]
Mpala Garoo - Kid Island [Ou Du Monde, Sweat Lodge Guru, '10]
L.A. Vampires feat. Matrix Metals - Make Me Over [So Unreal, Not Not Fun, '10]
Hype Williams - Rescue Dawn 3 [Find Out What Happens When People Stop Being Polite and Start Getting Reel, De Stijl, '11]
Skylines - Sky [mp3 single, self-released, '10]
Chuck Persons - Lightning Strikes [Eccojams Vol. 1, Curatorial Club, '10]
James Ferraro - Buffy Honkerberg's Answering Machine [Night Dolls with Hairspray, Olde English Spelling Bee, '10]
Dirty Beaches - Lord Knows Best [Badlands, Zoo Music, '11]
Jeans Wilder - Light Sleeper [Nice Trash, La Station Radar, '10]

Currer Bells - Three Volumes [s/t, Quetzi, ‘10]
Philip Cohran and the Artistic Heritage Ensemble - Black Beauty [Singles, Midday Music, ‘08]
Popol Vuh - Yoga 2 [Yoga, PDU, ‘76]
Alice Coltrane - Paramahansa Lake [Huntington Ashram Monastery, Impulse!, ‘69]
Padang Food Tigers - Right Up Rooster [Born Music, Under the Spire, '10]
Clouwbeck - The Water's Burden [From Which The River Rises, CDr, Sustain-Release, ‘10]
Beru - Side A [Daughter of Eve, c50, Digitalis, ‘10]
Bitchin Bajas - In T [Tones / Zones, Important, ‘10]
Caboladies - B1 [Live Anywhere, Aguirre, ‘10]
Serge Bulot - Staccato Ricochet [Les légendes de Brocéliande, Sonimage, ‘81]
Sun City Girls - This Is My Name [Funeral Mariachi, Abduction, ‘10]
Master Musicians Of Bukkake - Patmos [Totem Two, Important, ‘10]
Big Blood - Coming Home Pt. III [Dark Country Magic, Dontrustheruin, ‘10]
Black Eagle Child - Manitowoc [split w/ Donato Epiro, Blackest Rainbow, ‘10]

Calypso Borealis - Niakaramandougou [Uyang Okpo Usun, 3”, Kimberley Dawn, ‘10]
Red River Dialect - Unwoken [mp3, self-released, ‘10]
Sam Moss - Interiors [Eight Constructions, self-released, ‘10]
Bibio - Flesh Rots, Pip Sown [Vignetting The Compost, Mush, ‘09]
Peter Finger & Florian Poser - Wiegenlied [Im Labyrinth, Stockfisch, ‘82]
Jim O'Rourke - Movie On The Way Down [Eureka, Drag City, ‘99]
Peaking Lights - Creatures Of Day, Creatures At Night [Various, Lune Atroce / Soleil Amer (K-RAA-K)³, ‘10]
White Rainbow & Stag Hare - Driftwood Fresh Swells Shells [White Stag, Marrage, ‘10]
Bobb Trimble - Killed By The Hands Of An Unknown Rock Starr [Iron Curtain Innocence, Secretly Canadian, ‘07]
Qua - Devil Eyes [Painting Monsters On Clouds, Surgery, ‘04]
Metal Mountains - Structures In The Sun [Golden Trees, Amish, ‘11]
Broadcast & The Focus Group - The Be Colony [Broadcast and the Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age, Warp, ‘09]
Julianna Barwick - The Magic Place [The Magic Place, Asthmatic Kitty, ‘11]
Davy Graham - Blue Raga [All That Moody, Eron, ‘76]
Sproatly Smith - The Magpie's Nest [Pixieled, Reverb Worship, ‘10]
Zelienople - Something Wrong And Right [Something Wrong And Right, 3", Under the Spire, ‘10]
The United States Of America - Love Song For The Dead Che [s/t, Columbia, ‘68; re Sundazed, ‘04]
Bert Jansch - In the Bleak Midwinter (Live in Glasgow) [An Acoustic Hour With Bert Jansch, MD Music Company, ‘10]
Ben Reynolds - Risen [How Day Earnt Its Night, Tompkins Square, ‘09]
Kim Jung Mi - Towards the Sunlight [Now, ‘73; re Shin Joong Hyun MVD, ‘02]
I love this show! You should make a podcast of it
hey thanks! i wish i could make podcasts of the show but i don't really have the means too. i'll ask around tho!
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